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The Coronavirus Pandemic II

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Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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The Coronavirus Pandemic II

Further Anthroposophical Perspectives

On-line since: 28th March, 2022


In this book, the main focus is not on the distressing social developments that have arisen as consequence of the coronavirus pandemic — and for good reason: Although there are already (thankfully) many quality descriptions and articles about this complex of problems and questions, at the same time on the other hand a dangerous knowledge-vacuum has arisen. Therefore in this book I will refrain from elaborating on the problems already made widely visible in favor of this knowledge-vacuum, which will be outlined as an addition to what has already been described in Volume I.

This definitely does not mean that the many undertakings in other fields that are opposed to the divine plan of the Logos, which envisages the development of man as a higher being, are not seen and not recognized as catastrophic.

Such undertakings include, to mention just one of numerous examples, is the debate about compulsory vaccination as well as everything that can be regarded as advantageous or disadvantageous in everyday social life as a result. It will happen, if not today or tomorrow then in a few years, that the spirits opposing the Logos, through the circles of those who wish to serve them on earth, will use scenarios like those of a pandemic to install a general corset of restrictions and regulations that limit the individual human power of decision over one's own being, which will not only include sensory-physical existence, but will also not let the soul-spiritual being of humanity develop, will not allow it to fulfill its spiritual mission in the world. Spiritual totalitarianism is the opposite goal to the impulses of the good.

These developments, or their forerunners today, are not the focus of this study, at least not in detail. For it is meant to deal with a serious “wound,” which obviously has neither been discovered nor treated.

In the foreseeable future, an extensive spiritual work of mine will be published by the Verlag für Anthroposophie, in which many problems that occupy humanity to an existential degree today and in the near future will be dealt with in detail. So if you miss explanations to these challenges to humanity in this essay, you may consider it as written against the background of what will be presented in that more extensive work.

At the same time, the present essay is related to the hope of being able to draw attention to the fact that it is becoming more and more necessary and urgent for man to gain something in addition to the freedom of decision and self-determination to which he has been entitled since Christ gave it to him, for without it his freedom is of little use: He needs the means to higher consciousness, to spiritual knowledge, in other words: the access of his soul forces to the knowledge of reality, so that on the basis of this knowledge, which enables him to perceive without doubt the actual background and context of the events he encounters on earth, he is in a position to make meaningful decisions which are sustainably constructive for himself and his world.

Gaining higher knowledge is possible for everyone. But it doesn't just fall into your lap. One must be prepared to do something for it, and also to leave something. In order to avoid spiritual totalitarianism one must first know something about what spirituality actually means. And acquiring this knowledge, the most selfless acquisition a person can make, is ultimately at the core of this book.

Berlin, August 15, 2021

Last Modified: 23-Nov-2024
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