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- Title: Lecture: The Two Christmas Annunciations
Matching lines:
- popular in the same sense as the Christmas festival.
- essentially the same — only more primitive — as it is
- these same phenomena of the spatial universe I lived before my birth;
- Being. It is the same annunciation, only from another side.
- same event, was announced in a twofold way to men.
- has become abstract in our mathematics. But the very same forces out
- Title: Lecture: The Ear
Matching lines:
- at the same time living inner experience.) Then you cannot give
- disappeared. It is for the same reason that the memory in the etheric
- body after death disappears after three days. For it is the same
- long as we possess the etheric body. In the same manner he who has
- signifies the same for the Imaginative realm as the spatial element
- death we are thus transplanted. Then we experience the same thing
- again with the same intensity. Whatever a man has gone through belongs
- imitation for all things that surround us. Afterwards we have the same
- would be the same, in another realm, to say Why do we need a
- spiritual eye just the same as other men. For what we gain by
- obliged to understand it in the very same way in which it is
- Title: Education for Adolescents
Matching lines:
- souls, then these same forces are changed into something else.
- the country immediately. If teachers and pupils carry these same
- Title: Lecture: The Cosmic Word and Individual Man
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- asleep and awakening. This is a characteristic fact: in the same
- begins. And this is in fact an etheric activity. In the same measure
- at the same time radiant with light. But the impression made upon the
- In the same way, etheric streams of warmth flow into the interior of
- been listening again to the same music; as if the whole concert had
- And now, with the same methods with which one observes these
- line. In the same way you can follow inwards from the senses
- Logos brings to expression at the same time — writing, as it
- what is spoken during the day. (The same thing happens during every
- Looking at this still more closely, using the same methods through
- same way the rays and the streams in the etheric body flow together
- gradually been lost — to the same degree that in Man
- well. Just in the same way, one can begin with the astral body, and
- Title: Lecture: Awakening to Community - I
Matching lines:
- religious and will impulses of recent centuries are the very same
- its highest expression, he cannot help asking at the same time for a
- thoughtlessness, and that same thoughtlessness leads to a lot of
- anthroposophist, and the same thing is true of able workers in the
- Title: Lecture: Past Incarnations of the Peoples of Today
Matching lines:
- the abstract they may understand quite well. All the same, it
- fundamentally the same as that of a certain Professor who said:
- Title: The Supersensible Being of Man and the Evolution of Mankind
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- and convey perceptions in the same way as telegraph wires. The
- The same as with the so-called sensory nerves, the function of which
- engaged in self-education and become at the same time independent of
- striving, is the same thing that is being sought for by
- Title: Lecture: The Peoples of the Earth in the Light of Anthroposophy
Matching lines:
- organisation they are by no means absolutely the same the whole Earth
- The same phrase is repeated over and over again. Now, as we have
- Fichte, Hegel, Schelling and Humboldt, are fundamentally the same
- man of abstractions. As I have said, it is not the same to possess a
- is not the same thing as to possess it instinctively, as a gift of
- Title: Lecture: Anthroposophy's Contribution to the Most Urgent Needs of Our Time
Matching lines:
- same time social, and today every man experience the urgency of the
- science, we take it as a foregone conclusion that we apply that same
- necessity. And in the same way he will assess in the light of this
- knowledge gives the soul a conscious content in the same way as our
- its outer appearance through these Imaginations. Exactly in the same
- broken down where true thinking appears. To the same degree in which
- corresponding process in our own thinking. And in the same way we
- Title: Lecture: Yuletide and the Christmas Festival
Matching lines:
- that pervaded these same hearts throughout the summer. Those
- rejoicing in their hearts — these same people could
- look towards something that shines with the same certainty as
- Title: Memory and Love
Matching lines:
- same with thinking. In essence, thinking is certainly not a
- living organ. We can never say that we have the same view of an internal
- down of this consciousness. We do the same with the spiritual within us
- But from the head comes the same faculty that inwardly, in the soul,
- speaking is at the same time a singing. In the alternation between going
- Title: Memória e Amor
Matching lines:
- Gostaria, primeiramente, de falar sobre algumas das maneiras pelas quais a alma humana se expressa durante a vida terrena, na medida em que podem ser relacionadas a experiências no mundo espiritual. A partir das minhas duas últimas palestras aqui, vocês terão percebido que as experiências da alma humana entre a morte e o renascimento diferem essencialmente daquelas entre o nascimento e a morte. Aqui na Terra as experiências de um homem são todas mediadas por seu corpo, seja o corpo fÃsico ou o corpo etérico. Nada do que ele experimenta na Terra pode se dar sem o apoio da natureza corpórea. PoderÃamos facilmente imaginar, por exemplo, que o pensar é um ato puramente espiritual e que, da maneira como sucede na alma humana terrena, não se relaciona a existência em um corpo. Em certo sentido, é assim. Mas espiritualmente independente como o pensamento humano é, ele não poderia seguir seu curso aqui na existência terrena se fosse incapaz de receber o suporte do corpo e de seus processos. Posso me valer de uma comparação que usei muitas vezes aqui em ocasiões semelhantes. Quando um homem está caminhando, o solo em que caminha certamente não é a parte essencial de sua atividade – a parte essencial está dentro de sua pele –, mas sem o apoio do solo ele não poderia obter êxito.
- Ocorre o mesmo com o pensamento. Em essência, o pensamento certamente não é um processo cerebral, mas sem o suporte do cérebro ele não poderia ter seu curso terrestre. À luz dessa comparação, obtém-se uma concepção correta da espiritualidade, bem como das limitações fÃsicas do pensamento humano. Em suma, meus queridos amigos, aqui na vida terrena não há nada no homem que não dependa do corpo como sustento. Carregamos nossos órgãos dentro do corpo - pulmão, coração, cérebro e assim por diante. Com saúde normal, não temos percepção consciente de nossos órgãos internos. Nós os percebemos apenas quando doentes, e ainda assim de maneira muito imperfeita. Nunca podemos afirmar que possuÃmos conhecimento de um órgão por lhe termos olhado diretamente, a menos que estejamos estudando anatomia – mas aà não estamos estudando um órgão vivo. Nunca podemos dizer que temos a mesma visão de um órgão interno que temos de um objeto externo. É caracterÃstico da vida terrena não conhecermos o interior de nosso corpo por meio da consciência comum. Ainda menos um homem conhece do que ele geralmente considera de maior valor para sua existência corporal – o interior de sua cabeça. Pois quando ele começa a saber alguma coisa a seu respeito, via de regra, o conhecimento se mostra deveras desagradável – dor de cabeça e tudo o que a acompanha.
- Ora, meus queridos amigos, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento não tivéssemos a experiência de olhar para dentro de nós mesmos e de encontrar o mundo do espÃrito, aqui na Terra não haveria tal coisa como moral. O que retemos dessa experiência dos seres no mundo espiritual, quando entramos na vida terrena, é uma inclinação para a vida moral. A força dessa inclinação se dá proporcionalmente à clareza com que, entre a morte e o novo nascimento, o homem experimentou a convivência com os espÃritos do mundo superior. E qualquer um que, em um sentido espiritualmente correto, examine essas coisas, sabe que os homens imorais, como resultado de sua vida anterior na Terra, tiveram uma experiência muito embotada dessa existência espiritual. Mas, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento, pudéssemos experimentar apenas o que nos torna um com os seres do mundo superior, e nunca pudéssemos experimentar a nós mesmos, então seria impossÃvel alcançarmos, na Terra, a liberdade, consciência da liberdade, consciência da nossa personalidade, que é fundamentalmente idêntica à consciência da liberdade. Assim, quando, na Terra, desenvolvemos moralidade e liberdade, elas são memórias do ritmo que experimentamos no mundo espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Ao direcionarmos nosso olhar à alma, podemos falar mais precisamente sobre o que nela ecoa: por um lado, tornar-se um com os seres espirituais e, por outro, nossa experiência da consciência espiritual do eu. O que durante a vida terrena permanece em nossa alma como um eco de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual é a capacidade para o amor. Essa capacidade para o amor está mais intimamente relacionada à vida moral do que se pensa.Pois sem a capacidade para o amor, não haveria vida moral aqui na Terra; tudo isso surge da compreensão com que nos depar
- amos com a alma de outrem, e do esforço para realizar o que fazemos a partir dessa compreensão. Comportarmo-nos abnegadamente com os demais e agirmos moralmente no amor são essencialmente ecos de nossa vida em comunhão com seres espirituais, entre a morte e o renascimento; e isso permanece conosco depois da nossa experiência do que se poderia chamar de solidão – pois é sentida como solitária a experiência do nosso eu no mundo espiritual quando, por assim dizer, expiramos. A inspiração é como uma experiência de seres espirituais; a expiração é como uma experiência do nosso eu. Mas sentir-se solitário – bem, esse sentimento tem seu eco aqui na Terra na nossa capacidade para a lembrança, nossa memória. Como seres humanos, não terÃamos memória se ela não fosse um eco do que descrevemos como um sentimento de solidão. Somos indivÃduos reais no mundo espiritual porque – não posso dizer que seja porque nos retiramos para dentro de nós mesmos – mas porque somos capazes de nos libertar dos espÃritos superiores dentro de nós. Isso nos torna independentes no mundo espiritual. Aqui na Terra somos independentes porque somos capazes de lembrar nossas experiências. Pense no que seria de sua independência se, em seus pensamentos, você tivesse que viver sempre no presente. Seus pensamentos lembrados são o que possibilita que você tenha uma vida interior. Lembrar nos torna personalidades aqui na Terra. E lembrar é o eco do que descrevi como a experiência de solidão no mundo espiritual.
- Assim, entre ir dormir e acordar, o homem experiencia de fato uma espécie de repetição ao contrário do que realizou no decorrer do dia. Não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar – o sono pode ser bastante curto, e então as coisas são condensadas –... não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar o homemtenha uma visão retrospectiva de suas experiências durante o dia – uma visão inconsciente, pois naturalmente deve ser inconsciente. Não; quando a alma, durante o sono, se torna realmente clarividente, ou quando a alma clarividente relembra na memória as experiências entre ir dormir e acordar, vê-se que o homemrealmente experiencia no sentido reverso o que havia vivenciado desde a última vez que despertou. Se ele dorme a noite toda da forma usual, ele retrocede no que fez durante o dia. O último evento ocorre imediatamente após seu adormecer, e assim por diante. Todo o seu sono funciona de uma forma maravilhosamente reguladora. Só lhes posso falar sobre o que pode ser investigado pela ciência espiritual. Quando vocês adormecem por quinze minutos, o inÃcio do sono sabe quando acabará, e nesse quarto de hora vocês experimentam, na ordem inversa, o que trouxeram desde a última vez que acordaram. A tudo é dado a proporção correta – por mais maravilhoso que isso possa parecer. E pode-se dizer que essa experiência retrospectiva reside entre a realidade e a aparência.
- Durante nossa vida na Terra, entre o nascimento e a morte, nossas memórias são extraordinariamente fugazes; apenas imagens permanecem. Reflita sobre quão pouco essas imagens retêm dos eventos vivenciados. Basta se lembrar da indescritÃvel tristeza sofrida diante da morte de alguém muito próximo, e imaginar intensamente o estado interior da alma a isso associado; e então observar como isso aparece como uma experiência interior quando, depois de dez anos, você a evoca. Tornou-se uma sombra pálida, quase abstrata. Assim é a nossa capacidade de recordação: pálida e abstrata, em comparação com o pleno vigor da vida imediata. Por que nossa lembrança é tão fraca e sombria? Ela é, de fato, a sombra de nossa experiência do eu entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Compreendida nessa experiência do eu está a faculdade de lembrar, de modo que ela realmente nos confere a nossa existência. Aquilo que nos dá carne e sangue aqui na Terra nos confere, entre a morte e um novo nascimento, a faculdade da memória. Lá a memória é robusta e vigorosa – se é que posso usar tais expressões para o que é espiritual – depois ela incorpora carne e enfraquece. Quando morremos, durante alguns dias – tenho frequentemente descrito isso –, o último resquÃcio de memória ainda fica presente no corpo etérico. Se, ao atravessarmos o portão da morte, voltamos o olhar para nossa vida passada na Terra, a memória se esvai. E dessa memória desabrocha o que a força do amor na Terra nos deu como força para a vida após a morte. Assim, a força da memória é a herança que recebemos de nossa vida pré-terrena, e a força do amor é a semente para o além-morte. Eis a relação entre a vida terrena e o mundo espiritual.
- Hoje a ciência da fisiologia não atingiu o ponto em que pode descrever detalhadamente o processo que acabamos de desenhar. A ciência espiritual é capaz disso e a ciência fisiológica certamente alcançará tal entendimento, pois essas coisas podem ser descobertas a partir da observação atenta da natureza humana. Pode-se dizer que, quando emitimos um som ou uma nota, primeiramente, a cabeça é acionada. Mas da cabeça procede a mesma faculdade que, interiormente, na alma, confere a memória, que sustenta o som e o tom: isso vem de cima. É inconcebÃvel alguém poder falar sem possuir a faculdade da memória. Se sempre nos esquecêssemos o que está contido no som ou no tom, nunca serÃamos capazes de falar ou de cantar. É precisamente a memória incorporada que perdura no tom ou som; por outro lado, no que concerne ao amor, mesmo em seu sentido fisiológico – no processo respiratório que dá origem à fala e ao canto – tem-se um testemunho claro no pleno volume interior do tom que chega ao homem na puberdade, quando o amor encontra expressão fisiológica durante o segundo perÃodo importante da vida: isso vem de baixo. Aà estão os dois elementos juntos: de cima, o que está na base fisiológica da memória; de baixo, o que está na base fisiológica do amor. Juntos, eles formam o tom na fala e na canção. Aà está sua interação recÃproca. De certa forma, é também um processo de respiração que percorre toda a vida. Assim como inspiramos oxigênio e expiramos dióxido de carbono, temos unidas em nós a força da memória e a força do amor, encontrando-se na fala, encontrando-se no tom. Pode-se dizer que falar e cantar, no homem, são um intercâmbio alternado de permeação pela força da memória e pela força do amor.
- Portanto, há uma genuÃna verdade no que é expresso nas lÃnguas mais antigas ao denominarem Logos a soma das forças e dos pensamentos do mundo. Esse é o outro lado, o lado suprafÃsico daquilo que tem expressão fÃsica na fala. Não apenas inspiramos e expiramos seres superiores entre a morte e o renascimento, mas também falamos, embora essa fala seja ao mesmo tempo um canto. Na alternância entre irmos aos seres espirituais e retornarmos a nós mesmos, falamos um falar espiritual com os seres das hierarquias superiores. Quando estamos no estado de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual, olhamos para eles, embora estejam dentro de nós. Quando nos libertamos deles novamente e voltamos a nós mesmos, então temos o efeito posterior, somos então nós mesmos. Lá eles expressam seu próprio ser em nós, nos dizem o que são – o Logos vive em nós. Na Terra, isso é invertido; na fala e na canção, nosso próprio ser é expresso. Expressamos todo o nosso ser no processo de expiração; ao passo que quando entre a morte e o renascimento liberamos os seres espirituais, recebemos, no Logos, todo o ser do mundo.
- Title: Lecture: The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background
Matching lines:
- but while we do so, at the same time we renounce all claim to be able to
- deal is going on at the same time unconsciously in your organism. This
- notwithstanding, a fact. And it is the same here too. What I describe as
- and has experienced at the same time a longing for the divine-spiritual,
- could not at the same time extend this strictness to what relates to the
- inner life that can also be referred to something, in the same way that
- experiencing the very same that another human being experiences when he
- of the same power that was formerly given from the Mysteries, by
- astronomies the Sun counted at the same time as a planet and also in a
- same time that the forces which lead man back again into the physical
- the same way as now he feels himself with his consciousness upon Earth.
- Title: Threefold Order II: Lecture 1: Influence of the human will upon the course of economic life
Matching lines:
- substance. And in the same way many people have the idea in
- again; and that, at the same time with the European
- ‘for future delivery’ in the same stock. Suppose
- speculation’ It is just the same, for example, as when
- the peculiarity of materialism is, that, at the same time, it
- done this unnecessary work. But they would all the same have
- Goods-market in 1810-15? How do these same causes
- the same thing too with respect to literature. I can only
- consequence. It cannot be examined by quite the same tests as
- (the times are not quite identical) hold the same relation as
- its own independent basis of development, in the same way as
- Title: Threefold Order II: Lecture 2: On Propaganda of the Threefold Social Order
Matching lines:
- business people, and at the same time can think, one
- and at the same time can think, they arrive quite infallibly,
- the same results as you find in my Roots of the Social
- exactly the same agitation going on as before. As mankind is
- if things go on in the same way, they soon won't be able to
- same way, anything we might now do in respect of propaganda,
- sufficiently large number of people, holding the same
- language and the same ideas, should be capable of throwing
- the same type of mind as — say the sample-dozen leaders
- a matter of fact today I can still only take the same
- of the Threefold system, but only the same old talk and the
- same old tinkering round and round, always with a respectful
- in the same way, there is just as little sense in discussing
- said a great deal to the same effect before now, and all in
- only say the same about Syndicalism to-day, as I have often
- these parties. In the same way, to go on clinging to-day to
- at the same time, engaged in concrete economic activity: — to
- special branches of economic activity, — in the same way as is
- same part as a man's thoughts in the life of his soul, when
- cloud-castles, the same for economic life is the bank-system,
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture I: Free Will, Immortality
Matching lines:
- thing, sometimes the wrong; both appear in the same way. But it
- imagination and inspiration is the same as when, in going to
- philosophy. It is really all the same to a scientist of spirit
- point to the same fact. Looking at the human being as a head
- of free will without recognizing man's immortality at the same
- Title: Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture II: The Historical Evolution of Humanity
Matching lines:
- nation. The other is Wilson, who at about the same time gave a
- but would like all the same to state what I think is the
- they find a few sentences the same with two different authors
- people are inclined to say that it is the same! The content,
- Lamprecht say, even when it sounds the same as what Wilson
- in the same way as nature. The same method of acquiring
- knowledge, the same kind of knowledge, the same kind of
- less the same way in the 7th or 8th century B.C., how this
- of forming images, — what have we then? It is the same
- do not remember their previous lives. This is the same as
- the same things today as he said in the 1880's. We honor the
- Title: Necessity for Spiritual Knowledge: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- the words and sentences sound the same. The point is from
- exactly the same.
- culture, must, however, take stand on the same ground as
- matter there is at the same time concrete spirit. And when
- if, at the same time, he does not recognise that just as
- a great step forward. It was the same in the second
- culture-period — the old Persian. Still the same in the
- same courage that in the fifteenth century where the old
- strike the same note in the opening address yesterday. I
- Title: Necessity for Spiritual Knowledge: Lecture 1 (alternate translation)
Matching lines:
- within that same Spirit in which he actually lives at
- fundamentally the attitude proceeds from the same thing in
- be founded upon the same basic principles of knowledge as
- affirming at the same time something about the spiritual
- Christ in the same way in which Luther regarded Him! But men
- courage to take hold of the spiritual with the same kind of
- address yesterday I could not strike the same note as to you
- Title: Necessity for Spiritual Knowledge: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- journey, which is not the same as a tour around the
- then, at the same time we get to a point where we are able
- not the same thing as moving an the Earth but is something
- from left to right, we ascend and at the same time go
- friction in the clouds and it is admitted at the same time
- lightning is the same phenomena as the electric spark!
- innumerable examples of the same kind where people will
- has not occurred to students as yet to give the same kind of
- things are the same. Into pedagogic training there should be
- is not the same as is the case with regard to the external
- childhood. The soul element has the same relationship to
- children when they do the same things as they did at the same
- same kind of things as they themselves used to do; they
- that children now must be just the same as they were when
- born now must be just the same as I was in the year 1860! Now
- children who are born in our time, cannot have the same
- Title: The Ten Commandments
Matching lines:
- Zarathustra couldn't proceed in the same way. They could only
- they can be seen as the same. The legislation of the Ten
- find a different interpretations of the same wording. Depending
- people the same “I” as in yourself. - In an
- realize that the “I” of the other is the same as
- Yet at the same time the earlier proclamation was given, that
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture I: The Being of Man
Matching lines:
- colour is not always the same, and if you train yourself to be sensitive
- and sundry to the same object. It is not so with “I”; a man
- soul for this same soul. It must sound forth from the soul and the soul
- immediate influence upon the etheric body, although in the same way that
- same habits, the same temperament as in the previous incarnation. This
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture II: The Three Worlds
Matching lines:
- is in this same space; we live in the other two worlds, the astral and
- devachanic worlds, at the same time as we live in the physical world.
- The same law applies also
- in the same way as when looking into a mirror you see reflected images
- because he keeps the same image later, in the Second Part of Faust,
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture III: Life of the Soul in Kamaloka
Matching lines:
- hypnotism, for the brain then has the same experience as the finger
- now he has to suffer the same pain in his own soul. All the torment
- and after death the vivisectionist has to endure exactly the same pains
- its background colour is a reddish-grey, with rays of the same colour
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture VI: The Upbringing of Children. Karma.
Matching lines:
- the same law holds everywhere. Animals gradually lose their eyesight
- of his friend's account-book. In the same way it would be nonsense if
- mankind, this means that he does not understand karma. The same is true
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture VII: Workings of the Law of Karma in Human Life
Matching lines:
- in the same place as he is. What we do results from the movements of
- more or less the same character throughout life. We shall see later
- The same thing applies
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture VIII: Good and Evil. Individual Karmic Questions.
Matching lines:
- for it exists. The same thing is true of the early periods of other
- sick in order to produce something precious. In the same way, physical
- beauty in the world without pain and suffering and illness. The same
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture IX: Evolution of the Earth
Matching lines:
- of a fixed star. In the same way the Old Moon, as we call it, is not
- the same as the Moon we know today; it was the third incarnation of the
- shone out as Sun. The planet Sun passed through the same process and
- reappeared as Moon. Finally, after the same sequence, the Earth
- planets; they are four different conditions of the same planet. They
- Then the flakes gradually disappear, and Saturn returns through the same
- But we must not imagine seven successive Globes; it is always the same
- Saturday, Samedi
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture X: Progress of Mankind Up To Atlantean Times
Matching lines:
- atmosphere of spirit, in the same way as our own Earth is surrounded
- break. It was rather the same as when part of the front of a cloud
- as to use this part for furthering their own evolution and at the same
- At the same time, however,
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture XI: The Post-Atlantean Culture-Epochs
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- same thing happening in the world of the spirit and the world of the
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture XII: Occult Develpment
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- is always represented by the same mental concept. For instance, you
- the same image. The important thing is to learn how to read the images
- Record has for the same reason been presented in pictures of this kind.
- actions fulfil the same purpose.
- the necessary inner training. At the same time he takes good care that,
- Logic is the same on all three planes. Thus on the physical plane you
- Theosophy act in the same way.
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture XIII: Oriental and Christian Training
Matching lines:
- comes into the same category as killing.
- are wrong. The wise and the unlearned observe the same customs. There
- and diamond are the same substance; diamond is more thoroughly crystallised
- also, and at the same time, by meditation. This, too, contributes, if
- outer world; it can only be conceived in thought, and the same is true of
- in the outer world. It is the same with another kind of concept: for
- opening verses, he goes on to the second chapter, and so in the same
- thee I owe the possibility of my own existence.” In the same way
- astral vision, and every pupil has the same vision. When he has
- Title: At the Gates: Lecture XIV: Rosicrucian Training - The Interior of the Earth - Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Matching lines:
- and the moon, in a stone or an animal: everywhere can be found the same
- oneself into, the Macrocosm. This is the same form of spiritual
- dwelling-place and himself at the same time, and when he spiritualises
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- two other movements might be carried out with the same ultimate
- calculate this in the same way as I did the displacements in our
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- continuously, so that the same force acts upon the point throughout
- increase of velocity. A smaller force, acting on the same mass, will
- larger force, acting on the same mass, will make it move quicker more
- equal to, — i.e. the same product can also be expressed by
- same phenomenon — loss of consciousness — is taking
- extent, we can bear it no longer. What underlies it is the same in
- weight of water it displaces. If we weigh the same volume of water we
- to say, the dimming is deflected upward in the same direction as the
- same direction as the light is. And now you see the outcome. Here in
- outraying light where the dimming effect takes the same direction as
- yet at the same time, into the body of light which is thus diverted
- Above, the dimming effect is deflected in the same sense as the
- same time you see that the material prism plays an essential part in
- same direction as the cone of light, while on the other hand, because
- apparatus in the same way, but remains comparatively independent.
- it is so inserted that it goes through the same space as the physical
- same space.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- yourselves to some extent still have to take the same direction with
- might expect to see the same as before, but I do not. A peculiar
- produces it on and outward in the same straight line and so projects
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- upward as it does, shines also in the same direction into which the
- in a downward direction by the prism. At the same time I see it
- is propagated through the ether in the same way as sound is through
- upward at the same moment, light will arise. Thus they explain, by
- this cylinder of light and the spectrum of it, while at the same time
- the very same people who say the light consists of these seven
- of the light — these same people allege that darkness is just
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- only so long, however, as the light impinges on it. The same
- and the same element with the so-called bodies whenever we behold
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- anything at all through the same denser medium, and we now try to
- such a way as to refer at the same time to all that borders on the
- observed spiritually at the same time. Only the semblance, as
- of any difference in their case? It is precisely the same; both are
- explanations of one and the same phenomenon. Suppose for example you
- once more to something of the sense-world, yet at the same time to
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- darkness before, you now see green. And now I darken the same
- white ground you see the same lattice-work in green. Of course it
- eye. It is the same objective phenomenon which I see here, only
- cannot therefore speak of the perception of warmth in the same
- having become cold, perceives as warmth. Before, you felt the same
- physicists allege it to be much the same as to the other
- warmth” (or of heat). Had they gone on in the same spirit in
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the same room, the other will begin vibrating too. The Jesuits
- outer we got 80 in the same period of time. The beats bring about
- the wave, the oscillations or vibrations. Thus in the same period
- the same proposition. Outside us are the vibrations; in us are the
- fact that if I twang a violin-string a second string in the same
- room, attuned to the same note, will resound too, this being due to
- pendulum clock; you wind it up and start it. In the same room there
- to some extent analyzing the human eye. Today we will do the same
- fundamentally different from my hearing. When I am seeing, the same
- thing happens in my eye as when I hear and speak at the same time.
- to someone and at the same time repeating what you heard, word for
- inside has the same density as outside. But if there is a vacuum
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- same of electricity; the waves had only to be imagined long by
- modified form, therefore, of electricity — has the same
- same cylinder of force which is here raying forth, there is one
- described in former lectures. The same cannot be said so simply of
- the case of warmth and in that of sound or tone. The same cannot be
- going in precisely the same direction when we descend from the
- are here crossing the same boundary as to the outer world, which we
- we are in fact descending into the very same realm into which we
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- in the same abstract way as in the old wave-theory.
- ß, over here; again it remains the same.
- γ will do the same. Thus I can prove it so that you
- believe that we get them on the same basis as the ideas we gain
- the same sphere in which — for sound — I should have no
- Title: Man/Being/Spirit/Soul: Lecture I: Man as a Being of Spirit and Soul
Matching lines:
- alongside natural science, working in the same way as natural
- But now from another viewpoint we come to much the same
- same as a chemist who assumes from the start that a substance
- imagined. It is just the same with the way people look at the
- the whole spirit in the same way that our outward form, our
- recite it, but at the same time observing ourselves as we
- possible to carry out something and at the same time stand by
- life, so that at the same time we can allow the thought
- same way that we learn about the body by using hunger and
- Title: Man/Being/Spirit/Soul: Lecture II: The Psychological Expression of the Unconscious
Matching lines:
- consciousness with the same kind of sense perception
- in the same way that the human being, for instance, is
- held by many people today in the same sense as he held it, even
- world in the same way that we approach the physical sense world
- spiritual perception in the same way he gains ideas from the
- same way a second or third time, it is not sufficient just to
- case of the experience following the same laws that underlie
- our soul life in the same way. Many
- have heard me deal with similar subjects, never in the same
- Last winter, for instance, I spoke on the same theme in many
- each time in a different way, describing the same things
- even have the same relationship to our body as we have in
- impression that comes from the body. Thus we maintain the same
- we fly with wings. But at the same time we know that all this
- self, the same self, but in another form, the true ego
- same thing that normally dreams in the soul is experienced
- science of spirit. It is one and the same thing: what dreams
- then perceives in the same way that we normally perceive
- at the same time. The soul is quite different when it awakens
- in the soul during sleep can be the same with ten people, but
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- vessel will feel cold. The same temperature therefore is experienced
- the thermometer stands at the same point circumstances may be such
- the sensation from your finger. In both cases exactly the same thing
- same path as the tortoise and the tortoise is ahead, he will never
- upon explanation while at the same time we abandon observation, and
- reliance on our mere thinking is that this same thinking fails us the
- The same sort of thing, now, applies to the condition on the sun. It
- administered yesterday's are moved by the same inner motives? That
- intensified light appears at the focus. The same experiment is made
- point of high heat intensity produced. Here we have the same process
- fundamentally the same sort of thing. The thrashing of yesterday and
- the one of today are the same sort of thing. If a person came to such
- not noticed that the same impossible grounds are taken as in the
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- (It is obvious that the same rule will hold here as in the case of
- in the same manner and I can then write:
- will call your attention to the fact that the same introduction I have
- Now we can in the same way investigate the expansion of a gaseous
- liquid whose level is the same in both arms of the tube. When we
- it is called, is the same and has a constant value of about
- century. At the same time, however, people were backward in a grasp of
- could be understood were assumed to be the same as were held by the
- the same meaning there. When in old writings, we come across the word
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- have the same phenomenon as before. The thermometer shows no further
- point, I can only continue the curve from the same point
- same place, or as in
- time from the same point. But what is happening to the heat during
- same method if I wish to represent the fourth power? I cannot do
- in the same manner as the powers of a
- the same way as those of
- using the same amount of
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- the left hand tube is under the same pressure as the outer air itself,
- the mercury column is at the same height, and that since here on the
- of heat we are necessarily dealing at the same time with volume
- example, handle the third power of the temperature in the same way as
- following the same course of reasoning as has given rise to the
- have I not committed the same fallacy as when I speak of a
- simple transformation of heat into work I am guilty of the same
- with it, and the same thing applies if you imagine it lowered several
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- the same way that we deal with the obvious relation between ourselves
- inner soul forces. At the same time that we detach ourselves from our
- have at the same time showed you how this development creates the
- water, each point within it has the same relation to the entire earth
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- must wait until the water vapor returns to the same temperature as it
- alcohol than in the case of water. Here again, I can make the same
- vapor to the same point at which it was at first, the mercury column
- In the third tube we have ether under the same conditions as in the
- same conditions as water shows a widely different pressure. Not only
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
- phenomena In another case you are making the same experiment all the
- process in such a way that it contributes the same thing as is
- such as ice, then the heat is active in the same manner as the
- a unity, as illustrated by the fact that they all have the same
- same relation to the gaseous, striving outward in all directions that
- differences depending on whether we carry out the same experiment
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture VIII
Matching lines:
- These two principles fundamentally, then, mean precisely the same
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture IX
Matching lines:
- were, bring about in another sphere the same sort of thing that we did
- between gases and heat. Solids show the same sort of relationship to
- And now the facts lead us to the same point which we reached, for
- solid and then into the U region. Returning then, I come to the same
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture X
Matching lines:
- same level in the right and left hand tubes. This shows that
- you hold a wooden stick in the flame in the same way, you will not
- exactly the same way we can, in this different realm of states of
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture XI
Matching lines:
- But we saw at the same time that the heat was only partly changed and
- substance is annihilated by what appears at the same time as spirit.
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture XII
Matching lines:
- mathematical quantities merely as such if we at the same time expect
- chemical action and light working in the same phenomenological field
- at the same time, you have to use imaginary numbers your
- you reach the same infinite point no matter what direction you take.
- Moreover, you are confused unless you assume that you reach the same
- What I mean my friends, is this. The same sort of difficulty that
- The same difficulty that meets us in the phenomena of nature
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture XIII
Matching lines:
- in the same manner as we can the chemical, light and heat effects.
- the same way, my experiments with light are not affected by the air in
- analogy, I find the same relationships as if I am experimenting with
- autonomy of light acting in the gaseous realm. The same sort of
- life does not manifest in the purely solid state. But, these same
- same relation to chemical activity although not so strong as do solid
- same relation to light that solids do to the living. Now, this leads
- at the same time and indicates by its dual nature what we actually
- also shows the same madness to the belief that what can be abstracted
- Title: Warmth Course: Lecture XIV
Matching lines:
- We cannot be a thing and perceive it at the same time. But we
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- he was always talking about the same thing, he was suffering from
- given today of the same case. What has actually happened cannot be
- Robert Maier. The same kind of thing happened to many people. It is
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- Post-Atlantean epoch of civilization. And in the same epoch, in the
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- that time gave the same impression as an ant-hill, they were all
- professors it can be the same. A millwheel is going round in their
- the same so far as what is living is concerned. To speak in a living
- clear I said: It is all the same to me whether people speak of
- potassium and pointing to the etheric body. It is exactly the same,
- Surely it is the same as if a surgeon in the world beyond had managed
- things are exactly the same.
- one can admire it. And I do admire it. The same priest has, however,
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- the temperature of the room. In the same way we can gauge, from what
- account the same things will be very differently judged according to
- all, I am drawing from the same forces from which my own age draws
- there arose the idea of the eternal recurrence of the same, which
- of the Spirit in the same way as the human corpse is the form of a
- Intellectualism has the same relation to the living essence of the
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- living human being. In the same way, looked at impartially, man's
- same relation to living thinking as the corpse to the living human
- same time developed the faculty for moral intuitions. Already at the
- Intuition the same as the evolution of the natural world, filled with
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- maintain the same attitude to Nothingness that I have described? For
- in the same way as we were obliged to call attention yesterday to how
- commandments were given at the same time.
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
- is play and at the same time they are learning something. This is the
- platform and when he left it he was no longer the same person. He
- same time of the nature of remembrance. Where tradition is concerned,
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture X
Matching lines:
- This rightly named pure thinking has at the same time become pure
- perception, it has become at the same time pure will. You hover with
- same time artistic, wholly identical with artistic activity. So that
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XI
Matching lines:
- for science confines itself to what is the same for all human beings.
- preserve them in memory; fifty years hence they are to be the same as
- just the same as if we wanted to confine a limb in an apparatus. The
- ourselves about him any longer. And as most men are not the same as
- must develop more and more towards the intellectual. At the same
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XII
Matching lines:
- itself to their senses was at the same time spiritual. Naturally,
- same time more intense. In a certain sense human beings looked
- should be approached. It is the same with books on good breeding.
- Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XIII
Matching lines:
- the dragon. But it is the dragon all the same.
- centers, which were at the same time church, school, and center of
- Title: Lecture: Lecture I: Occult Signs and Symbols
Matching lines:
- the earth at present. The same was the case with the astral body
- Sun, but an airy sheath that was at the same time astral and
- the Saturn that stands in the heavens today. It is the same with the
- Title: Lecture: Lecture II: Occult Signs and Symbols
Matching lines:
- night, belongs to the physical body, and it was the same on Saturn
- being retained the same consciousness while these forms changed. When
- being that always had the same body, that knew itself immortal on a
- you find it to be about the same temperature as that of human blood.
- the same source as does the human blood.
- Title: Lecture: Lecture III: Occult Signs and Symbols
Matching lines:
- actively carries on further. It is a new creation and at the same
- a part of it. In the same sense it can be said that when some part of
- out on the table and visualize at the same time that green is hidden
- Title: Lecture: Lecture IV: Occult Signs and Symbols
Matching lines:
- the human organism something of the same, even though it is there in
- its present form, the lion appeared. The same forces formed both. It
- evolution there are the same conditions and transformations. We have
- earth, following the sun, moves in a complicated curve. The same is
- Title: Lecture: The Proclamations to the Magi and the Shepherds
Matching lines:
- fundamentally the same as they are to-day, except that in earlier
- to chosen pupils only. Moreover it did not work in them in the same
- becomes aware of the coming of the Being from heaven. It is the same
- same forces that are unfolded in our mathematical thinking can again
- Title: The Rishis
Matching lines:
- death and a new birth always the same, even though the
- always remained the same? That there is also a possible history
- To the same measure a darkening awareness of the Other Side
- Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture I: The Three Streams in the Life of Civilization. The Mysteries of Light, of Man, and of the Earth.
Matching lines:
- same time man surmises something else about this thought-world. He
- kind of union of priest, of king, and at the same time, strange as it
- had something of the clairvoyant power, but at the same time in their
- The most prominent members of the race, who possessed at the same time
- To point to another manifestation of the same kind, when the
- Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture II: The Michael Path to Christ: A Christmas Lecture
Matching lines:
- fundamentally materialistic, but at the same time honest.
- The same thing appears in Goethe's Faust, where we find
- Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture III: The Mystery of the Human Will
Matching lines:
- of the disintegrating corpse, which only continues the same process
- of our skin. This same Will works cosmically through our corpse, in
- work of man, would be present from beginning to end just the same as
- exactly the same mistake as the following. I write a word on the
- age since the fifteenth century. At the same time another Ethics,
- Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture IV: The Breaking-in of Spiritual Revelations Since the Last Third of the Nineteenth Century. Thoughts on New Years Eve.
Matching lines:
- at the same time people are content in the egoism of their soul, and
- felt in the following words, penned by that same Zimmermann, who for
- that he always lectures upon the same things, that he would soon have
- another article dealing in the same intelligent fashion with the
- Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture V: The Dogma of Revelation and the Dogma of Experience. The Spiritual Mark of the Present Time. A New Year Contemplation.
Matching lines:
- Theosophy, current elsewhere. Here we build upon the same strict
- chattering in the same way they had chattered for years, particularly
- Title: Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- sharper than they would otherwise appear to him. In the same
- scientific investigation does not lead to the same things that
- the same things he finds under a microscope, he may safely be
- empirical state of affairs is exactly the same in both cases,
- are concerned, the same state of affairs presents itself at
- same as a brain cell in accordance with the purely empirical
- bounds of the skin, is not at all the same as the relation of a
- in molding the brain and the liver, in the same sense as the
- to reality in the same way that photographs of a tree, taken
- we took many different photographs all on the same piece of
- same piece of film. Now when the forces lying latent in the
- drawings look exactly the same as the physiologist's sketches
- same sense as the structure of the brain is an adequate
- same way as the stomach or heart are observed and then drawn.
- same if we really take seriously this watery being of man. In
- The same must be
- Title: Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- human organism that can be dealt with by the same methods we
- with life. But this is the same as saying that the human being
- self-contained system. In the same sense I give the name astral
- gaseous, fluid, and solid organizations, and the same is true
- body to the same extent; the excretory products are different
- not quite the same, the process being less definite.) Now it
- the same thing and cold compresses have been applied to his
- organization is connected with hydrogen in the same way that
- Title: Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- with the same rhythm. They collide with each other in varying
- cannot affect health in the same way.
- mercurial element is not the same as what is also called
- same preparation to carcinoma of the breast as to carcinoma of
- Title: Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- ourselves that the plant element — and it is the same
- The same thing
- the tendency to shape itself into elongated crystals. The same
- being. In the same way we can discover definite connections
- Title: Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- does not lead to the same things that can be examined under the
- Spiritual Science he has found exactly the same things as he finds
- empirical state of affairs is exactly the same — allowing for
- perceive with my senses. So far as my senses are concerned, the same
- could we proceed to treat a liver-cell exactly the same as a
- all the same as the relation of a brain-cell to these forces. In that
- same sense as the Earth plays its part in the direction taken by the
- one took many different photographs all on the same plate. Indeed,
- exactly the same as the physiologist's sketches of the
- there is no adequate expression in the human organism, in the same
- observed in the same way as the stomach or heart are observed and
- objects, a great deal can be said about them. But it is not the same
- same must be said of the excretory processes. The kidneys are organs
- Title: Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- to sexual development is not the same as that of the animal.
- everything in the organism that can be dealt with by the same methods
- of man is likewise permeated with life. But this is the same as
- self-contained and complete in itself. In the same sense I give the
- gaseous, fluid and solid organisations; and the same is true of the
- body to the same extent, although we cannot say quite the same of the
- quite the same, the process being less definite.) Now it would be
- thinking about the same thing and cold compresses have been put on
- Title: Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- play into each other, but not with the same rhythm. All that takes
- conditions cannot affect it to the same extent.
- the same preparation to carcinoma of the breast as to carcinoma of
- Title: Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- is inwardly filled with processes which are not the same as those in
- say to ourselves: Plant-substance — it is the same with other
- same thing holds good for much else in the human organism —
- organs of man. In the same way we can discover definite connections
- Title: Lecture: Michaelmas III: The Michael Inspiration
Matching lines:
- same animal desire element were not a part also of the cosmos. The
- us, bringing about the same process as is effected outside in the
- Title: Lecture: Michaelmas Va: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha (Part I)
Matching lines:
- essential thing. We give them names in the same way as we give other
- this or that. And it is the same when we can say of a super-sensible
- the matter in the same way on the wider horizon of different
- not of the same nature nor of the same rank. When we speak of the
- Title: Lecture: Michaelmas Vb: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha (Part II)
Matching lines:
- influences of our age which are at the same time the spiritual forces
- it is the same spirit, expressing itself differently, which prevails
- Golgotha, the same Spirit who is the Leader of our own culture epoch
- Mystery of Golgotha is the same Being as is now again sending the
- the same magnitude as before. At that time He went through death; now
- is the same Being who paved the way for the preparation of the Mystery
- to Michael, that is, to the same Spirit of the Hierarchy of
- within such happenings in the spiritual world, in the same way as we
- Title: Threefold Order: Part II: Lecture: The Impulse Towards the Threefold Order
Matching lines:
- solely from the natural world; that this same spiritual life
- same time be pointing out just those things in the present day
- the means of production, and the use of these for the same
- Anti-capitalism has no sense, unless at the same time one is
- into same form of international structure in which they might
- me much the same as those people who declare that one wants to
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture I: Introduction - Aphoristic remarks on Artistic Activity, Arithmetic, Reading, and Writing
Matching lines:
- shreds. That is all the same paper. The first time, when I have
- here to cultivate, at the same time as “object
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture II: On Language - the Oneness of man with the Universe
Matching lines:
- same time with an image of it, with an activity of the head.
- и sound, are not the same feeling-shade. You will
- year” (Precessional Period), the same number 25,920.
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture III: On the Plastically Formative Arts, Music, and Poetry
Matching lines:
- the psychic spiritual realm that would result in the same error
- constitution. In the same way, we cannot prevent the
- but at the same time we must not neglect to approach human
- same way he lays stress upon the tranquillity, the
- same elementary way as we do with the plastically formative
- the same way we should not neglect to awaken the distinct sense
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture IV: The First School-lesson - Manual Skill, Drawing and Painting - the Beginnings of Language-teaching
Matching lines:
- children do the same, as slowly as possible, for it will
- “Now I am making this (Fig. 2); now do the same with your
- make it after you, and the curved line in the same way. But
- let the children make each a blue patch just the same. When
- patch in the same way. This will take some time; the children
- number of children take turns at striking this same concordant
- teacher, but the other teacher says the same, and we learn the
- same from both. This should help to give the school a more
- same logic to my argument: “I know something which waits,
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture V: Writing and Reading - Spelling
Matching lines:
- compelled to think of something which contributes at the same
- you begin just the same way; when you say ‘bow,’ which many
- same way; and perhaps, too, you have seen a bear at the zoo;
- for that, too, you begin to breathe the same way; each of these
- words begins with the same breathing out.” In this way I
- initial letter yourself in the same visualizing way from
- follow the same line. It leads to the following:
- just think, when you say Rebe quite slowly there is the same
- capacities of your own soul. Positively the same results can be
- the same point. The ultimate aim can be secured just as well by
- organize things uniformly. In the same way the attempt was made
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture VI: On the Rhythm of Life and Rhythmical Repetition in Teaching
Matching lines:
- they may want to imply the same thing with diametrically
- teacher retaining his same pupils; of taking them over for the
- will probably feel hungry for the buttered roll at the same
- return to it in the same way, so that the same act takes place
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture VII: The Teaching in the Ninth Year - Natural History - the Animal Kingdom
Matching lines:
- narrative form, in the same way as I took in our training class
- hands for free movement and work. It is well at the same time
- describing the cuttle-fish and the mouse, will be at the same
- the same time show the child that when the mouse is climbing or
- horse, and the human being. At the same time you will notice
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture VIII: Education After the Twelfth - History - Physics
Matching lines:
- the same quality, and this understanding does not really emerge
- the same time not to accommodate yourself too much to it in
- marvelling at it in the same way. For example, you have all
- the other station in the same way the wire goes into the earth
- demands of the modern world. At the same time, by acting on the
- void. In the same way there is everywhere the tendency in
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture IX: On the Teaching of Languages
Matching lines:
- then the day after, or the day after that, return in the same
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture X: Arranging the Lesson up to the Fourteenth Year
Matching lines:
- at about nine years of age. At the same time, of course, the
- us, at the same time and in the same classroom as a lesson with
- right-angle. At the same time it has the size of half the area
- you do the same on the other side (follow the arrows to the
- of an isosceles triangle, but exactly the same can be done for
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture XI: On the Teaching of Geography
Matching lines:
- district, and treat this in the same way. First describe the
- the same kind in his simple primitive way. Do not omit, even at
- And at the same time we are dealing with what he can understand
- the same subject of study for some length of time. We receive
- longer periods at a time with things of the same nature. We
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture XII: How to Connect School with Practical Life
Matching lines:
- the religious parties would make the same compromises from
- Title: Practical Course/Teachers: Lecture XIV: Moral Educative Principles and their Transition to Practice
Matching lines:
- school he is quite a different being from the same child in the
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- between waking and sleeping in the same way in the spiritual world as
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- We must now investigate will in the same way. For the ordinary
- developed in the head proper. The same is true of the chest. Chest is
- same in the lower body. Some physiologists have noticed that the head
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- in other ways, has the same intrinsic value as the teacher of the
- spirit, are regarded as meaning much the same thing.* Nearly all
- same process as taking hold of things, only it is more delicate. For
- described by Kant and Laplace, would have been the same as it has
- out and falls to the bottom as sediment. In the same way man was
- precisely the same way as now, when it does receive these bodies. But
- yeast were added to the dough. In the same way the earth would long
- the same with the lower animals forms. In giving his body over to the
- are not the same as those which he received at birth. In giving them
- space where there is one body no other body can be at the same time.
- they are in space no other similar object can be at the same time are
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- Manes Manas is the same as the Manes. I
- not in the physical body of man to the same degree of intensity. This
- done it, but consider it far more important to do the same thing
- thing, not the repentance the endeavour to do the same thing on
- again in the same position. Be sure you do not undervalue such
- describe it there in the same words. We experience wish, intention and
- contains activity and effort. It is the same with intention; you have
- What do we commonly find advocated? That children should have the same
- every day? If a man nowadays were expected to read the same story
- not only said the same Lord's Prayer every day, they also had a book
- and both of you do the same to-morrow and the day after. And
- strengthens the authority of the teacher, and doing the same thing
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- body). But in the same way there flow together in actions of will the
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- in our consciousness. Now it is just the same with all that passes
- of soul which you have with regard to your feelings is just the same
- it would literally burn up in the soul. If the same thing
- are the same as these; only that the experience of the unconscious
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
- prevents them from understanding the sensations is the same thing as
- For them the sensations of old age are the same as those of the child,
- same primary school together; I then went to the Grammar School
- soul, at least the elements of it, so in the same way you can compare
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture VIII
Matching lines:
- It is the same if we allow forgetting and remembering to play into our
- nature: and the same is true of willing. We are now in a position to
- same-external appearance. It ought not to be necessary now to say that
- same thing. They do not consider in the least that it is one thing if
- him discover that he too is something of the same kind as my ego, I
- developed with the same care as another, for then the connections
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture IX
Matching lines:
- their same form in him until he is thirty or forty years of age, then
- will not remain the same throughout his life, but will change as the
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture X
Matching lines:
- in all its parts; it is not so thin as to have the same form inside
- turned it inside out you would no longer have the same form outside as
- quietly sitting in it. In the same way your soul sits in your head,
- The same is also true with regard to all other sense impressions. As
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture XII
Matching lines:
- breathe in oxygen in the same regular way as man, but it assimilates
- same time all this is bound up with the normal process of nourishment.
- considered in exactly the same way as breathing. In the processes of
- corresponding laths or poles) lie in one and the same direction
- Title: Study of Man: Lecture XIV
Matching lines:
- we distinguish from what belongs to the limb formation. At the same
- needed to cover the largest square is the same in quantity as that
- again years later in precisely the same form, is intellectually frozen
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- activity, and at the same time be content with the outer use
- same time period the girl grows faster. One can take notice
- time in a similar way when the same facts appear again before
- the same as I have just described with the example of
- reconstruct it in the same way that we construct something in
- by the introduction of mathematical concepts. But at the same
- into mathematical formulas; at the same time, one has
- to it, but at the same time we no longer have the full
- spiritually a reality that shines out toward us in the same
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- same place and are not seen as a whole, we have the situation
- and right arms belong together, and in the same way the
- in the same way that width and breadth are given for the head
- consciousness with the same clarity. As we shall see later,
- pictures in our consciousness. In the same way, our feelings
- able to look with the same clarity into our will activity as
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- exactly the same way as these mathematical forms, but which
- gain forms that he can apply in the same way to the plant
- us to penetrate plant life in the same way that we penetrate
- may serve as a basis for regarding the same process in the
- it that can be followed in the same way as processes in the
- the same methods are applied in investigating the eye as are
- exactly the same experience as one has in mathematical
- something else, which, if I want to proceed in the same
- when one becomes one with it in the same way that one becomes
- etheric nature of the human being, in the same way that one
- with its object in the same way that mathematical thought
- we can use the same approach as we do to the inorganic realm.
- investigator in another field has to say to him. The same
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- being connected with the whole. At the same time we arrive at
- same way that the salt cube is used, a single rose is held up
- same way as to the salt cube. To someone who does not strive
- cannot develop independently to the same degree (please note
- existence in the same sense as to the salt cube. When we rise
- producing in the form of imaginations is at the same time
- imagination to the sense world. At the same time we can see
- same force as are the sense organs, but that it is in the
- into our soul in the same way that we take memory images into
- imaginations, although they arise in the same way as memory
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- the same diagrams. I could draw exactly the same thing. Only
- drawing actually comes out the same, he said, whether I, an
- altogether different things in exactly the same way.
- and brings about the similarity. In the same way, what is
- different things in the same way.
- directly to the rhythmic system in the same way as the life
- not find ourselves individualized organically in the same way
- As a breathing organism, we must feel the same way. We are
- same time, this has the effect of leading him into an
- the same time the mental images, in going through a
- performed outwardly. In the same way today, the longing
- to you that the same underlying impulse gives rise on the one
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- reality, yet at the same time we are aware that we are
- whole: I read bread. Goethe proceeds in the same way in
- the same way — though extended over a long period of
- world and its happenings flow into us. At the same time our
- the same activity, in a certain sense, that "engraves" itself
- The same
- forces that are at work in the animal world. At the same time
- triumphant in the other sciences. At the same time, it wishes
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
- in a serious and exact manner. At the same time, it must be
- perception, there is at the same time something corresponding
- knowledge that has been achieved, in the same way that
- takes on real meaning. At the same time we gain a more exact
- same time we recognize the essentially independent nature of
- Title: Anthroposophy Science: Lecture VIII
Matching lines:
- truth which has been striven for. At the same time we have
- because at the same time from other quarters attacks are
- Title: Dear Children: Lecture II: Address at a Monthly Assembly
Matching lines:
- I do not want to always say the same
- things to you, because I also do not want to always hear the same
- Title: Dear Children: Lecture III: Address at the Assembly at the End of the First School Year
Matching lines:
- them.” In the same way that you have learned, tried hard to
- clumsy. You have to become more skillful. It is the same with the
- Title: Awakening to Community: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- it. That same love manifested itself in renewed sacrifice during the
- the Society should also pay close heed to this same fact. The way the
- Anthroposophical Society, we would face exactly the same situation as
- to the Society. Now we face the threat of seeing the same thing
- The place was the same in both instances, but the problems were
- Title: Awakening to Community: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- may remain the same after its re-casting, it will have taken on a
- This debate should not be carried on with resort to the same kind of
- the cosmic element that has taken the same path, in order that man
- descended to earth from that same world whence rationality and
- Title: Awakening to Community: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- evening I will speak for the same reason on the subject of the three
- the same rousing effect on one's erstwhile thinking that one's life
- realization that this passive thinking of his was exactly the same
- the same time quietly observes it, then thinking suffuses the will
- research in exactly the same way in which a person at home in chemistry
- friendly and continued in the same vein afterwards, I saw no reason
- same thing in the case of other aspects of learning. This attitude,
- Something of the same
- Would not these same discussions, identical as to content, have been
- another, only to end up again in the same old jog-trot. It is time to
- everyone truly concerned for the Movement is saying the same thing in
- Title: Awakening to Community: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- religious and will impulses of recent centuries are the very same
- its highest expression, he cannot help asking at the same time for a
- thoughtlessness, and that same thoughtlessness leads to a lot of
- anthroposophist, and the same thing is true of able workers in the
- Title: Awakening to Community: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- out of which I shall be addressing you today is not the same as that
- design had to come from the same source from which anthroposophical
- conscious is not the same thing as becoming more intellectualistic.
- other's words the same life of soul that we ourselves put into those
- same words when we use them? If everybody were to practice just a
- absolutely indefinite yet at the same time very definite communal
- But the ground this springs from need not be the same for the
- is the same space; the feeling and impressions they have of it are
- the same we have. We wake at hand of our immediate surroundings to
- the same inner life another wakes to. In waking out of the isolation
- has the same attitude. It is not enough to have a deep abstract
- folk soul or folk spirit, and this is not present in the same way
- Title: Awakening to Community: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
- others, he is not having the same feelings and ideas as his
- enters and applied to it. This is the same thing that happens on
- views about the same fact can be expressed there by, let us say,
- listening to the other's opposite view with exactly the same
- to public libraries and borrow these same cycles. All the cycles are
- Title: Fruits/Anthroposophy: Lecture 3 (Summary): The Tragedy of F. Nietzsche
Matching lines:
- upon what stands before our I-consciousness, and at the same time develop
- same’, then came to Nietzsche the appalling tragedy of his life. He
- him to soar to the heights, but at the same time an unhealthy one.
- Title: Fruits/Anthroposophy: Lecture 4 (Summary): The Relationship between Goethe and Hegel
Matching lines:
- At the same time that the
- One cannot look plastically upon animal and human form in the same way
- Title: Fruits/Anthroposophy: Lecture 5: From Sense Perception to Spirit Imaging
Matching lines:
- are alive within the soul. They are alive with the same, and indeed
- exactly the same in character as memories, but they relate to a world
- It is this: it is possible to increase the same sense of egoity, it
- remaining the same person he was before, reflecting at the same level
- the form of images. The experience is exactly of the same kind as that
- an example that will at the same time also — figuratively speaking — take
- being an idealist or spiritualist in the same way. This puts one in
- is there in the soul in the same way as mathematical, geometrical forms
- evolution knowledge was not handled in the same general fashion, one
- to draw things representing external processes in the same way as long
- in the outside world for the same picture language that had formerly
- to apply to the plant world, the animal world, the same approach he
- the issue was the same as we have it today when spiritual science concerns
- Title: Fruits/Anthroposophy: Lecture 6: From Imaginative Knowledge to Inspirational Knowledge
Matching lines:
- and that it forms in about the same way as an idea based on sensory
- us to form mental images in the same way we form mental images when
- in mind and spirit, in an Imagination. The same process becomes a material
- they no longer permit the same freedom in linking or analysing them
- is done with the same inner clarity as that experienced in forming mathematical
- concepts. The conscious mind needs to be in the same state as when it
- it. In the same way we come to know a process in soul and spirit that
- And in the same way we must also come to see how thought becomes will,
- in the same way as we have learned to use them, quite rightly, at an
- Title: Fruits/Anthroposophy: Lecture 7: The Gulf Between a Causal Explanation of Nature and the Moral World Order
Matching lines:
- questions are at the same time also social questions, and the social
- inevitability. And the same will be done with regard to the hypothetical
- make the element of spirit and soul a conscious content in the same
- In the same way, the Imaginations achieved at this point reveal to us
- points where true thinking occurs. To the same extent as material processes
- is connected with this in the same way as the thinking life is connected
- us in the same way as the sense-perceptible world extends into us through
- the same way as it is in the thinking process, but life is paralysed, so
- Title: Fruits/Anthroposophy: Lecture 8: The Social Question
Matching lines:
- just tools for research in the supersensible world, in the same way as
- the same element which is also needed for genuine research in the physical
- as the things an adult person does in life cannot be the same as those
- be the same as those used in the ancient Eastern and Greek cultures.
- outcome in quite general human terms. At the same time, however, the
- immediate intercourse of man's social life. I did so on the same basis
- on the one side and matter on the other. And the same applies to the
- pictures — and anything else drawn from the same soil from which
- into an artistic approach. No, it is merely the soil that is the same,
- the other branch, the artistic one, will arise from the same root. That
- movement. Anything artistic will have to arise from the same source
- and make them perceptive, and at the same time also awaken them to the
- Title: Natural Science; the Anthroposophical Movement
Matching lines:
- opposing it for the sake of it and at the same time rejecting
- Just look from the same point of view at what humanity is given
- do not enter bodies in the same way it happened in Greek times.
- A, to B, and then with C and they all say the same thing. Each
- all say the same thing. We actually only have one kind
- talked about today the same as yesterday's conversation?
- sprung from the same tendency, unconcerned whether it appears
- acquired here is being applied to things where the same
- Title: Preparing for a New Birth
Matching lines:
- the same state we arrived at before going to sleep. Instead, we
- grows weaker and weaker, but at the same time more
- fall asleep it is all the same, since other states of
- same time, this backward experience of earthly life frees us
- Title: Spiritual-Scientific Consideration: Lecture 1: Prelude to the Threefold Commonwealth
Matching lines:
- And in the same speech he could say: “Our relations
- relations.” He could say in the same speech:
- mankind. They made those statements at the same time that
- same for the social organism as cancers are for the human
- must be right at all times in the same way. Things have
- degree one could speak in the same way of many others.
- sun in the same style as formerly — in May 1914
- same time I said that it would be more pertinent to
- physical affairs, and at the same time with a little
- Title: Spiritual-Scientific Consideration: Lecture 2: Esoteric Prelude to an Exoteric Consideration of the Social Question I
Matching lines:
- thinking that the rights-life is practically the same as
- precisely through the sameness of our human body, simply
- with economic life. (We have the same processes of
- grows out of economic life and has the same character as
- spiritual production has the same character as any
- in an economic life. At the same time, however, something
- natural conditions is of exactly the same significance
- economic life — land, etc., — are the same as
- must direct the same thinking to them as one directs to
- not exist for comprehending this threefold man. The same
- not transmitted in the same way as thoughts —
- Title: Spiritual-Scientific Consideration: Lecture 3: Esoteric Prelude to an Exoteric Consideration of the Social Question II
Matching lines:
- If such comparisons are used it must at the same time be
- by those who went through the same experience in the
- have a certain amount of willing in his soul at the same
- article is a confession that he suffers from the same
- world, that are at the same time the central forces of
- existence which are at the same time the central forces
- writings, while others are in the same condition of soul
- in Zurich, but a pupil of his, Adler — the same
- our whole human life, the same number of inhalations and
- Title: Spiritual-Scientific Consideration: Lecture 4: Pedagogy, from the Standpoint of the History of Culture
Matching lines:
- at the same time could very well be quoted by our Union
- employing that same phrase that they themselves employ
- same “goodwill” is what many would like to
- other names, they succumb easily to the same grand
- proletarian demand of today at the same time a
- the same!
- educational life of today! It is the same spirit that
- believe that it would be any safer to depend in the same
- Title: Esoteric Studies: Lecture I: Cosmic Aspect of Life Between Death and New Birth
Matching lines:
- familiar with it, we must at the same time have hours when we
- the same. We expand between death and a new birth as far as the
- same with us, and we with it, when we contemplate our existence
- Title: Esoteric Studies: Lecture II: Establishment of Mutual Relations Between the Living and the So-called Dead
Matching lines:
- the dead person and, at the same time, bring to mind an
- Title: The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background
Matching lines:
- ‘unconscious,’ but while we do so, at the same time we
- same time unconsciously in your organism. This is a simple fact. Let
- is, notwithstanding, a fact. And it is the same here too. What I
- in a universal world-substance, and has experienced at the same time
- the same time extend this strictness to what relates to the
- also be referred to something, in the same way that the inner life of
- which yet admits of their experiencing the very same that another
- it has been possible for men to possess themselves of the same power
- the Sun counted at the same time as a planet and also in a sense as a
- learn at the same time that the forces which lead man back again into
- Stars, in the same way as now he feels himself with his consciousness
- Title: Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- matters where we cannot say the same in connection with our own
- on his shoulders. The same can be done in the case of all events
- In exactly the same,
- this present life. Such an impression, however, arises the same way
- possible. But the process is the same as it is elsewhere in life,
- personalities with whom we come to be associated are not the same in
- people at the same age in life as previously. Neither can it be said
- Title: Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- moment, I should do exactly the same things I have done up to
- content if everything were exactly the same again.
- opportunity of repeating a mistake, in exactly the same circumstances
- Title: Occult History: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- his country without it, but all the same with the consciousness that
- spirituality. And on the very same day when a man, merely in order that
- Title: Occult History: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- finds that the same Spirit who worked through the Maid of Orleans as
- been so deeply influenced. And so we see that the same Powers work in
- respective gifts differed so greatly, we see the same kind of co-operation
- of judging what he was, and it is the same to this day.
- Title: Occult History: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- — as above explained, they are the same unbroken Rays (Monads),
- endless memories laid at an earlier time into these same individualities
- Title: Occult History: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- thought and at the same time with a particular sound.
- But at the same time it had to be shown that the personality must first
- of outer, practical life. At the same time it was their mission to relate
- do the same as the preceding epoch. If we want to portray the course
- is born. And now the same doctor shows that this is not an isolated
- which admittedly would no longer find the same credence to-day. On one
- Title: Occult History: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- Persian it was not so to the Same extent. And then we heard how in Egypto-Chaldean
- not look quite the Same as once they appeared when seen an the earth.
- of stars, and at the same time he had such deep inner knowledge of the
- The same being who had lived in Nicolaus Cusanus continued to work in
- zone the climate of low-lying land is not the same as on heights, where
- it can be extremely cold. Hence in the same latitude there is a quite
- Title: Occult History: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- in the same or a similar way to the progress of humanity. If we want
- by the fact that men are at the same time instruments of the process
- mechanics, arise in a personality whose birth occurs on the same day
- Title: Karmic Relationships, VI: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- may have been here ten years ago must not imagine that the same
- muscles and the same physical components are present to-day, for that
- that is present. The same is true of the heavenly
- and speaks as if the Moon he now sees in the heavens were the same
- life is the same as the relationship between Moon and Sun in their
- etheric worlds into the spiritual world. In the same way, when you
- about it afterwards and remaining in the same old grooves. If that
- go the same way as the Moon Beings of which I have spoken to-day. In
- vicinity of Dornach itself. All the same it is a special kind of
- Title: Karmic Relationships, VI: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- — in short, pure abstractions. The truth is that the same
- same fundamental impulse is at work in both.
- approximately the same period and in the same region as he. Now in
- The same
- earlier life. And the same spiritual configuration was to be seen in
- Title: Karmic Relationships, VI: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- I want to say something more on the same subject. I shall begin with
- the ancient Mysteries. The same applies to all the Gods of Greece;
- evade the physical, while at the same time strongly permeated with
- it is these same beings of the Venus sphere, Mercury sphere, Mars
- Title: Lecture: The Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science
Matching lines:
- penetrate into the spiritual world, also to occupy himself at the same
- wanted to make progress in theosophical knowledge and at the same time
- the same time the physical powers of thought, those faculties of
- primitive and yet he may at the same time be comparatively far
- but we must at the same time be aware that a thinker has a different.
- the same as for the non-thinker. For the thinker, the things will not
- both receive the same revelations. Let us take some particular case.
- revelation comes to him at the same moment as to the non-thinking
- until later, yet you possess it all the same. So it is with whoever
- will be in exactly the same position after death. There is no
- physical plane. For the same concepts are used to grasp what is in the
- apply these same thoughts to what is imparted from the spiritual
- enriched at the same time through their own thinking. Many people have
- dreams — which comes to the same thing as losing one's bearings
- Title: Anthroposophie, Ihre Erkenntniswurzeln und Lebensfruchte: Erster Vortrag
Matching lines:
- etwas schneller, ein andermal etwas langsamer zu machen,
- Title: Anthroposophie, Ihre Erkenntniswurzeln und Lebensfruchte: Zweiter Vortrag
Matching lines:
- bedeutsame Abhandlung von 1790, da kam ihm auch der Gedanke,
- Title: Anthroposophie, Ihre Erkenntniswurzeln und Lebensfruchte: Dritter Vortrag
Matching lines:
- bedeutsamen Lebensrätselfrage, mußte diese
- selbstgenügsamen Weise etwa reden wie ein Emil Du
- Title: Anthroposophie, Ihre Erkenntniswurzeln und Lebensfruchte: Vierter Vortrag
Matching lines:
- wie ich glaube, ganz Bedeutsames zu finden. Und woher dieses,
- Title: Vom Wesen des wirkenden Wortes: Dritter Vortrag
Matching lines:
- Samen der Erdenwärme im Winter anvertraut? Diese
- Title: Deeper Education: Lecture I: Gymnast, Rhetorician, Professor: A Living Synthesis
Matching lines:
- watch itself. The same sort of thing is true if, regarding
- same sort of thing as when a candle burns. There, too, carbon
- process of burning, we think in the same way as we would if we
- the human organism bears the same relation to what happens
- light-permeated air but at the same time expresses an
- Caterpillars have the same urge regarding the radiating light,
- light. The caterpillar has the same urge to give itself up to
- the same sort of thing as when a person suffers from
- Title: Deeper Education: Lecture II: Forces Leading to Health and Illness in Education
Matching lines:
- so on, we are dealing essentially with the same forces man
- of the outside air. He does the same with respect to the normal
- Title: Deeper Education: Lecture III: A Comprehensive Knowledge of Man as the Source of Imagination in the Teacher
Matching lines:
- human nature in the same way that something that we may have
- Title: Esoteric Lessons Part III: Stuttgart, 5-18-'13
Matching lines:
- evolution would always have stayed at the same point. School children
- Title: Esoteric Lessons Part III: Stuttgart, 3-5-'14
Matching lines:
- where the Elohim were on old Moon still wants to go on doing the same
- elaborated each of these strophes contains the same thing that's
- Title: Reappearance/Christ: Lecture IV: Mysteries of the Universe: Comets and the Moon
Matching lines:
- between sun and earth expresses itself in the same way in men and in
- women. The earth works to the same extent upon woman as upon man;
- woman is bound to the earth in the same way as man, and the sun frees
- and earth did not become, in the same sense, a contrast in their own
- Here we have an example that at the same time shows how
- the human being we thus have the same contrast that we see when we
- This same contrast is also to be found in our solar
- average scholar of today would make if the same thing happened to him
- The same could be said of many other comets.
- Title: Reappearance/Christ: Lecture V: The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric
Matching lines:
- evolution at which the same divine being who was regarded as Jahve in
- Himself for Abraham, Moses, and Solomon. It was always the same
- Christ, the same being proclaims Himself inwardly within the human
- not repeated in the same way but in such a way that what occurs
- the wisdom, so to speak, of the higher worlds. In the same way, the
- same conviction, because this event revealed to him the fact that the
- ancient country are touching. It is the same land to which the
- Title: True Nature: Lecture II: The Second Coming of Christ in the Etheric World
Matching lines:
- point in evolution where the same Divine Being whom the Abraham-epoch
- and the Moses-epoch, too, beheld in Jahve, where the same Divine
- reflected for Abraham, Moses, Solomon. It was always the same Being.
- from outside, in the second millennium after Christ the same Divine
- do not take the same form but what comes later manifests as a kind of
- of Damascus only later: but even so he would have arrived at the same
- though not in the same form as on earth — into the world in
- Title: Esoteric Lessons Part II: Stuttgart, 12-31-10
Matching lines:
- to see something like that. The food one gets in hotels has the same
- Title: Truths and Errors: Lecture VI: Errors of Spiritual Research - 2
Matching lines:
- same applies to many emotions. One cannot prove them in the
- However, the same mood can be there with a person who goes
- cannot be created in the same way in the depths, and that which
- painter could paint a picture; in the same way an idea could
- to seven worlds merging into each other. Still the same
- science. It is the same thought; the one is not more than the
- errors. That is why I had to draw the same attention to the
- Title: Truths and Errors: Lecture VIII: The Questions of Life and the Riddle of Death - 2
Matching lines:
- by the same spirit as the outer natural sciences. One can
- same quality, which assume that the human cognitive faculties,
- you also learn to recognise that they are the same soul forces,
- applies the same forces internally, but retains them in the
- the same situation as it was when natural sciences, when
- recognise that it will experience the same as it experienced
- Title: Curative Eurythmy: Lecture 8
Matching lines:
- proceeds from the human organism with the same lawfulness as speech
- do the movement for A. You can support the same process in the lower
- It is exactly the same in curative eurythmy: these matters are brought
- refuted has been expounded; in any case not here. In medicine the same
- the same to say about the Christ as you, only somewhat more. He is,
- Title: Lecture: Inner Nature of Music: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- experience does not actually exist in the same sense as sense
- connection with the outer world in the same way as does the eye, for
- exist in the same way as elsewhere. Metabolic phenomena appear, but
- of the third signifies at the same time that man feels music in
- — do we still have in us the same activity of nature or the
- same activity that worked in you when you were an embryo is active
- gestures. This element that dwells thus in man is at the same time
- same manner as seventh, fifths, and thirds — today's use
- Title: Lecture: Inner Nature of Music: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- thus have pointed out at the same time what the musical experience
- himself when he sang, and at the same time he had an outer
- akin to an expression of the word. One sang, but this was at the same
- feel whether it pleases or displeases us; in the same way, we feel
- element that reaches up into the same realm where mental images are
- eliminated from it, but at the same time it remains feeling through
- approximately the same as those found elsewhere in Waldorf education.
- rhythm; since these experiences are approximately the same, however,
- seventh, though they did not have the same feeling as we have today.
- the form of the soul's composition is the same as clairvoyantly
- experience of the fifth is a real imaginative experience. The same
- Title: Poetry/Speech: Lecture VII: The Uttering of Syllables and the Speaking of Words
Matching lines:
- as regards verbal content, out of the same musical theme. And to
- at the same time
- Es blüht sein Same rings auf allen
- Samengeister,
- Title: Poetry/Speech: Lecture VIII: The Interaction of Breathing and Blood-Circulation
Matching lines:
- And they themselves, still daunce unto the same.
- marks were still the same;
- a recitative and declamatory treatment of the same subject matter
- the same time (in the sense of a Goethean perception) the
- Title: Poetry/Speech: Lecture IX: The Alliteration and Terminal Rhyme
Matching lines:
- brother. All the same, I think it best to speak the alliteration
- Title: Lecture I: Man in the Past, the Present and the Future
Matching lines:
- same way include our willing and actual dreamless sleep as part of the
- rule in the heavenly spheres cannot be dealt with in the same way as
- and we may note finer differences too. But, you see the same
- active thinking, in the same way that we can grasp tables and chairs.
- learned Druids, for it would be the same thing when they gazed
- the same with animals. And while he was thus able inwardly to
- Title: Lecture II: Man in the Past, the Present and the Future
Matching lines:
- from what we know today; this living in themselves was at the same
- that does not reveal the spirit. My body is made up out of the same
- of man, arose. And at the same time when this mood came over man, his
- same whether you take a match and strike it on the box, or take the
- mirrored, and then he will see as Boehme did in the same way it
- Title: Lecture III: Man in the Past, the Present and the Future
Matching lines:
- pictures, did not then exist in the same form, and that in its place
- we do not notice these things, but they are realities all the same.
- which looked at him with horrifying eyes. The same things happened
- dream, it is all the same a protest against those admirable laws of
- The same sort of thing applies to the relationship between reality in
- religiously creative side of man has lain barren and the same is true
- participating in our present culture must have the same sort of
- Title: The Three Fundamental Forces in Education: Lecture
Matching lines:
- way. The essence of the phenomenon is the same as with the male
- physical body: the same soul-activity that is later active in
- while the child is growing, is a result of the same
- poles of one and the same thing.
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture I: The Egyptian period, and the present time.
Matching lines:
- exactly the same Being (and this is the secret of the ancient Greek
- Mysteries) it was the same Being who appeared later in the
- was the same as when today we speak of men and call them by their
- about the same size as the latter. On this account the physical head
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture II: Ancient Wisdom and the new Apocalyptic Wisdom. Temple sleep. Isis and the Madonna. Past stages of Evolution. The bestowing of the Ego. Future Powers.
Matching lines:
- maintained, all the same, strong spiritual forces will become active
- people have exactly the same illness in reality this never
- happen that if both have the same disease and the same remedy is used
- the same as some cloud we see today which continually changes its
- but at the same time the forces which today live in the power of
- related to the Gods. He now passed through the same stages again, but
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture III: The Kingdoms of Nature. Group-egos. The Centre of Man. The Kingdoms of Higher Spiritual Beings.
Matching lines:
- foundation. At the same time we must remember that if we only use our
- animals is not in the physical world in the same way man's ego is.
- because it is not present at all in the physical world. The same
- The earth is ensouled by an ego and in the same way as your head is
- intention? The fact remains the same: If a plant is uprooted the earth
- sensation of pleasure; much the same as a cow has when her calf draws
- the same as that of animals when they yield their milk. These are not
- and the ego of minerals is in the higher regions of the same world.
- together again it would cause very great pain. The same fact may be
- soul-forces? The forces permeating the sunbeams are the same as the
- by higher beings who control it in the same way that man will control
- exactly the same in a spiritual sense.
- it all. At the same time a foundation has been laid on which we can
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture IV: The Outer Manifestations of Spiritual Beings in the Elements. Their connection with Man. Cosmic partitions. The Myth of Osiris.
Matching lines:
- are now. In the same way Archangels passed through their human stage
- imagine that the same thing took place with the world? We can see
- effect upon the earth. For in the same way that the perfected and
- stage. The other planets of our system have separated off in the same
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture V: The sacrifice of the substance by the Thrones, Kyriotetes, Dynami's, and Exusiai. Jehovah and the Elohim, and their co-operative activity in the stages of human Development.
Matching lines:
- connected with it to maintain the same rate of progress in their
- same cause (the remaining behind of certain beings) man, when he had
- and Earth was at the same time a stage in the development of
- In the same way, dreamless-sleep consciousness, which was first given
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VI: The Spirits of Form as regents of earthly existence. Participation of the, Luciferic beings. The formation of race.
Matching lines:
- received a form essentially the same as he has today. Before then his
- etheric body is nowadays approximately the same in size and form as
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VII: Animal forms -- the physiognomical expression of human passions. The religion of Egypt -- a remembrance of Lemurian times. Fish and serpent symbols. The remembrance of Atlantis in Europe. The Light of Christ.
Matching lines:
- not the same form as that in which they appeared in past ages, for
- same form as at that time. The present lion is the descendant of a
- receive these higher forces in the same way he received the physical
- them to the inward holiness of the story of Palestine, and at the same
- spiritual soul-like way, though he knew it was the same being who
- the same way, when the Greeks spoke of Zeus, Apollo, and Ares these
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture VIII: Mans connection with the various planetary bodies. The earth's mission.
Matching lines:
- the same form as upon earth, but we do discover that each planet, each
- Exactly in the same way as the sun evolved to its present exalted
- group-soul of wasps; it is built of exactly the same material as our
- evolution will be wafted to those who now surround them. In the same
- the being within who holds them together. In the same way the several
- ancient Moon; it is the same capacity which then enabled him to see
- its consciousness is the same as that of man in ordinary sleep. Sleep
- the same thing:
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture XI: The progress of man. His conquest of the physical plane in the post-Atlantean civilizations. The beginning and up-building of the 'I am.' The chosen people.
Matching lines:
- objects by no means with the same sharp outlines he does now,
- around him he at the same time gained that form of self-consciousness
- same time a gift; it would never have existed if the rich person had
- heights, and shows at the same time how historical experiences are
- exactly the same (in an external, symbolic, yet true form) as in the
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture X: The reflection in the fourth epoch of mans experiences with the ancient Gods and their way of the Cross. The Christ-Mystery.
Matching lines:
- evolution we find, to the same extent as outward conditions alter as
- the same Being, seen in a primeval period, who later incarnated on
- Light, the Sun-God, This was the same being who was called Osiris. It
- to descend to the same extent, for through man having entered so
- the Mysteries of the Germanic peoples, is the same who appeared later
- as the Buddha, and with the same mission. (It is possible to touch on
- the higher worlds, is the same individuality who passed over Europe
- The Christ-principle could not assume a human body in the same way as
- which took place at the baptism in Jordan. It was the same Sun-Spirit
- Title: Universe, Earth and Man: Lecture XI: The reversing of Egyptian remembrance into material forms by way of Arabism. The harmonizing of Egyptian remembrance. The Christian impulse of power in Rosicrucianism.
Matching lines:
- lives, strives, and has a tragic end. At the same time the tragedy
- and dying humanity, and at the same time it reflected man's whole
- age, is connected in the same way with our own. Little as it may
- of Osiris; it knew that Osiris was held to be the same as the high
- at the same time a science that is firmly bound to what is material.
- are for him at the same time religion, for what is presented to him
- appeared since exists only to enable us to experience the same over
- something positive. Here the Western standpoint is the same as the
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- things, including perhaps at the same time something from
- same inner necessity with which a child between the 10th and
- by the same principle as I have just given you, in which
- into these cells and then no longer work in quite the same
- in Embryology, which is only the other aspect of the same
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- always turning the same side towards us. The Earth does this
- same axis as the one on which it rotates for the daily
- the same spot. Thus it is assumed that the North-South axis
- the same spot in the Heavens, but that the place itself is so
- it will still point to the same spot. Anyone can see that
- of Nature's process; it is accomplished in the same period of
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
- traced to the same causes in other realms. In setting up such
- that breathing must have the same causes in man as in the
- have the same cause whether in Europe or in America. Up to
- shedding light the same causes must surely underlie the light
- falls to Earth and the Moon circles round the Earth, the same
- on earthly things. If the same causality did not obtain in
- the shining of the Sun are one and the same? Or that in the
- same underlying cause as in the movements of the heavenly
- medical thought, the same failing has led people very far
- becoming a circle or remaining one and the same ellipse. If I
- same thing may not happen with geometrical form as with
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture V
Matching lines:
- same time there is an alteration of the form, an alteration
- is to the ordered Cosmos of Astronomy in just the same
- processes are however essentially the same — a
- the approach to reality and yet at one and the same time to
- grasping at the same time both picture and reality. And if
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture VI
Matching lines:
- years before the Christian era, and we should find the same
- possible to the same extent in Polar regions. It is the
- wrest himself free to the same extent from what works within
- numbers, if the numbers are the same the rhythms too are the
- same. You know that the number of breaths man takes —
- and you get the same number as before — 25,920. Man
- therefore shows in his daily life the same periodicity, the
- same rhythm, as is revealed by the movement of the vernal
- taking 25,920 breaths. It is the same picture here as in the
- living long enough, would undergo in 25,920 years the same
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
- But it is not the same as regards our inner life of ideas and
- have precisely the same kind of inner activity as in our
- us. We have the same kind of experience in our mental
- sight — the very same things which we are here
- environment is, in a metamorphosed form, the same as the
- horizontal in the same way as the vertical. Enter into the
- with respect to its rigidity.) But it will not be the same in
- same inherent measures as the abscissae. We could not keep
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture VIII
Matching lines:
- sequence of phases — remains the same as it was when
- is an indication of the same kind of change in the plant
- same thing. So do the scientific fashions change. Whatever
- same feeling he made a statement about the comets, the deep
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture IX
Matching lines:
- system, though perhaps not bearing quite the same
- a single curve in exactly the same way as all these are
- same intensity. There is such a path; and we can therefore
- its light is always of the same intensity? This curve —
- same way as is usually done with light. The result is a kind
- point where the peach-blossom appears to be the same point as
- same process when you think of the two branches of that
- exactly the same as what is expressed in the relationship
- chemical and physical, — whether those same phenomena,
- the same course within man, when he is alive, as they do
- at work in the chemical process remain in the same space when
- What he is speaking about seems to be one and the same thing;
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture X
Matching lines:
- the Earth has the same cosmic value in regard to the vertical
- however, is the same contrast which you experience within
- at the same time. This is the polarity you reach if you
- this together, you will be able to say: There is the same
- well imagine, indeed we must imagine that the same polarity
- the same activity which afterwards dims down this polarity to
- this same polarity of heavenly sphere and earthly activity in
- just described must be taken into account with the same inner
- itself. In just the same way as we have no right too explain
- is the same principle, the same manner of comprehending outer
- obtained like this in the same way as I comprehend some
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XI
Matching lines:
- the Heaven of fixed stars presents practically the same
- find that it no longer presents the same uniform picture, but
- continue at least approximately in the same direction — we
- and different too for the same planet at different times.
- can observe. There is the same contrast, though not quite so
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XII
Matching lines:
- we recognised in the planetary loops the very same principle
- well be that the Sun has already gone along the same path and
- along the same path and that the Earth is following, Nay, it
- mind however remain the same as at their heyday, 20 or 30
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XIII
Matching lines:
- fundamentally the same spatial conception of the World held
- during the Epoch. The same conception prevailed which
- mathematical pictures coincides in the same way with what is
- in Aristarchus's system. Yet is it really the same? This is
- the question we must now be asking: Is it the same?
- his planetary system ideally, much in the same way as we
- same figure. The movement of the centre of Mercury's epicycle
- the same magnitude for all three planets. Nay more, it is the
- the epicycle has not the same cosmic meaning. Something is
- have the same values as Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, yet in
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XIV
Matching lines:
- the underlying hypothesis that it is always the same Moon.
- have led us to the very same essential concepts.
- set to work with equal care to tackle the same problem from
- mineral substances of the Earth in the same way, recognising
- same way (I went on to say) can we proceed if we are seeking
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XV
Matching lines:
- them with the same conceptions which hold good in ordinary
- mentioned, the same curve can be thought of in another way.
- illumined from a fixed point A it is seen ever with the same
- intensity of light will be the same as if reflected from D
- same intensity of light should always be observed from the
- again. You are up against the same difficulty as before, when
- exactly the same drawing, but I should have to draw something
- must go through the same procedure in your thinking as I did
- reality if you adopt the same principle when examining the
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XVI
Matching lines:
- question, we only gain an answer by persevering with the same
- must, as it were, bring the line of their spine into the same
- Now the same
- nothing. Therefore the same entities which are at work when
- the same metabolism which takes place when we are not acting
- the whole Cosmos. And now the very same metabolic change of
- man does precisely the same as in sleep. He sleeps by virtue
- that the same external process may stand for something
- this is psychologically the same in either case. A scientist
- who takes it to be the same and bases his research on this
- declare: This is a kind of knife, therefore the same function
- all the time the inner quality would be the same; whereas in
- the same. The phenomena at the anode and the cathode for
- example have not the same inner direction; an inherent
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XVII
Matching lines:
- plant, maintaining a radial direction, — the same
- them with the same sign. We must give opposite signs to the
- that work from within outward (fundamentally the same is true
- same process I explained for the relation of the human
- one and the same path and yet in some sense contrariwise. The
- same time moves on through space, resulting in a lemniscatory
- whereby the one follows the other, yet at the same time they
- same period when the transition was developing between the
- Title: Astronomy Course: Lecture XVIII
Matching lines:
- Earth follows the Sun in the same path, in the same
- after, moving through cosmic space in the same course and in
- the same direction in which the Sun thrusts forward.
- surroundings. You will remember, I used the same comparison
- tending as it does ever in the same direction, and seek the
- in the same way as salt-crystal can. The crystal, it is true,
- same sense that a planet is. (What I am giving her, I give
- if we conceive the cometary body too in the same way as we
- refer again to the same question of principle and method as
- conceive it after the same pattern as the planetary body. You
- body in the same sense as a planet is, — not at all. It
- laws. See then what form is taken by the same type or
- then experimenting in the same way as other people do. For on
- end Sun, — the same contrast which finds expression in
- Copernican conception, — it is the very same! Well and
- Title: Social Basis For Primary and Secondary Education: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- described as chaotic, but all the same on the up-grade. I expressly draw
- defense of this approach! At the same time, however, I have never failed
- same disease in the human community at large when the people's motto:
- same time what has had its origin in capitalism, which must not
- From this, and from a great deal of the same nature, you will realise
- that, if we take this as our basis, the result will be the same education
- between approximately the seventh and fifteenth years are the same for
- in terms of primary and secondary education. At the same time this alone
- education so that people are able to participate in life, at the same
- certainly be a specialisation but at the same time one education for all;
- groundwork ought to be the same for everyone, whether he is destined to
- Title: Social Basis For Primary and Secondary Education: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- anthropologically pedagogical activity. On the same occasion I remarked
- criminals in the same way as they are made on our young people —
- it an idle tale that this same William II was not averse to such flattery
- there can be withstood only by forces arising in the same way from
- same time preserving balance between them. We must not understand our
- of comfort, but this does not have the same result as when the human
- ticking. Conferences on external matters proceed today still in the same
- Title: Social Basis For Primary and Secondary Education: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- of understanding for it is at the same time lack of understanding for one
- subject can be a most highly developed being and, at the same time,
- student's brain-box better when read in a printed book. All the same, I
- Title: Introductory Words to the First of Four Educational Lectures
Matching lines:
- that this kind of idea is frequently attacked, but at the same
- general. In the same way textbooks on zoology are written for
- a special feature of our universities that they are at the same
- work has its own particular value. It is the same in
- same thing is indeed true with regard to the whole human
- year, you will say just the same out of a really right feeling.
- you will be in the same position, only you will teach in a
- have the same class twice over and send out into the world the
- same copies of a cut and dried educational pattern.
- mood? It is just the same as an inbreathing in the organism,
- the same as filling the organism with air. Tragedy signifies
- Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
Matching lines:
- experience, but we should at the same time feel that the distance between
- same time immerses our inner life more deeply into the real world than this
- form; and the same was the case with Plato.
- of the same “form.” It is permissible, in the sense of
- originates in the same way, with the difference that apprehension is
- cognition, the soul must give vent to the same activity which, in the case
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
Matching lines:
- they are at one and the same time teaching and research institutions. But
- the same with the whole of the human organism. Our head is as finished as
- second, the third and each of the following years just about the same (and
- find yourself in the same position. But to be sure you will teach in a
- in the widest sense. We cannot have the same class twice over and send out
- into the world the same copies of a cut and dried educational pattern. We
- exactly the same as an inbreath for the organism, the same as filling the
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
Matching lines:
- organism is fundamentally the same as in the man's change of voice, but it
- It is the same soul activity that works in the soul later as intelligence
- change of teeth, while the child is growing, is effected by the same forces
- to say, they are the same forces that are active in speech and in music.
- same process.
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
Matching lines:
- same thing applies at a higher level also, for example in the art of
- kinds of principles and formulated statements, that is roughly the same, in
- motor nerves. Both are one and the same, and the motor nerves do not really
- are basically the same nerve strands, .and the essential thing is only that
- alter in any respect, but is exactly the same as the sensory nerve
- which are in fact the same thing as sensory nerves; so that all we
- perceived in the same place as visual perceptions are remembered, namely in
- remembered in the same realm where visual things have their sense-nerve
- organs. These are at one and the same time the kind of organs that appear
- metabolism of the head realm and bring about musical memories. In the same
- the same realm as we perceive what we see. We perceive what we hear in the
- same realm as we remember what we see. And both cross over like a
- 'coloured' when we speak. The same thing happens within us as it does in
- But we experience the same thing when we become aware of the sound of
- creative remembering which is at one and the same time a receiving from the
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
Matching lines:
- two-sided description of one and the same fact. Indeed, we gain a true
- hand, we see how the same thing one step lower down happens in the physical
- later. But he looks at this process as if every part of it were of the same
- — in the same way the head is being prepared so that it
- and at the same time this section of the organism is withdrawing from you.
- appropriate treatment. In education it is the same. If you wished to teach
- Title: Community Building
Matching lines:
- Movement in just any sort of form. On the contrary, the same
- I can no longer speak in the same way of Anthroposophy after I
- without discovering the same soul life sounding forth in a word
- of the same sound from the other person, a word in which we
- have. We awake in contact with our environment to the same
- same way in connection with a free humanity. In a group of
- evening if things continue in the same direction that they have
- same course it has thus far taken, I beg you, therefore, to
- Title: Community Building
Matching lines:
- upon things given to us in Anthroposophy with the same attitude
- opposite view of the other person with the same tolerance
- soul is precisely the same whether one reads a copy of
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
Matching lines:
- is governed by the same laws as the organic life of the
- images is the same as the power that is alive and active
- however, we look at a plant in exactly the same way we
- same thing we do say it in such a way the everybody can
- when it is in fact a magnet. In the same way we really
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
Matching lines:
- they speak of food and drink. The same applies to Fichte.
- see a single object. In the same way you will not
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
Matching lines:
- that people have today. The same applies to me. That is
- the same place as the world within which people moved on
- the same as that of angel to archangel, and so on. The
- same thing today this would merely indicate that they are
- state of soul to the same extent as the dreamer's state
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
Matching lines:
- building their nests from the same materials as those
- something appears in the course of a dream. The same
- The Social Democrats are equipped with the same kind of
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
Matching lines:
- The liver is examined by the same kind of analysis. In
- same drawing can also stand for something different.
- indicate the directions of my ears. The same diagram
- There is a higher point of view where both are the same.
- that have become flesh. The same directions exist in a
- both are the same. It is only that I am aware of the way
- same kind of work can be done there as at ordinary
- liver, examining everything as though it were of the same
- The same
- the stomach, and in the same way economic life is fed by
- In the same way there can be no sound metabolism in the
- organism rebels against this. The same applies in the
- approached, told the same story as the first. When it
- fifth or sixth person would still present the same facts.
- question is whether the first says the same as the sixth
- life of mind and spirit is the same as a devastating bomb
- same time to talk to individuals. The membership in the
- organism. In the same way everything created here on a
- things go in the same direction. I am sorry, it could not
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
Matching lines:
- phenomenon. In the same way we should regard all the
- of mysticism as a spiritual stream that has the same
- be raised to a higher philosophy of life. In the same way
- existence on the star in question. In the same way, if
- have the same experiences at a later stage than a child.
- equilibrium. In the same way you should not despise
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
Matching lines:
- should be regarded in the same way as we regard a
- same way we are in error If, due to the fact that our
- In the same
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
Matching lines:
- use the same conscientious approach to investigation and
- outer science triumph. People must want to use that same
- science of the spirit would however apply the same
- Supersensible knowledge is to evolve from the same
- knowledge. Now human beings of the same ilk want to use
- the language will follow the same road, and people will
- card says he is Mr Miller. In the same way you will have
- — exactly the same as postulated in the threefold
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
Matching lines:
- permit them to think at the same time as they made
- beings, and at the same time experienced themselves as
- soul and spirit of human beings, but at the same time
- mysteries. By developing the same faculties that have
- the same way there are clear divisions in human
- the same clear intellect as that used to gain
- Western materialism. In the same way it is a great
- one and the same time. Anyone born to be truly alive
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
Matching lines:
- the same effect as if every individual had a horse to work for him. When
- outside themselves that did the same amount of work for every individual
- The same applies to the
- utterly convinced that they were true Christians. In the same way people
- ourselves have produced are considered in the same way. All we see are
- determine our destiny, and the same principle is to be found in ordinaly
- about everyday life. The spirit will unite with everyday life in the same
- scribes and Pharisees. And there are others of the same kind who must
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
Matching lines:
- is the same for every individual, so that there is no
- same riddle, hinted at in his ‘tale’ of the
- Ahriman wants us to do the same. He wants human nature to
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